Fantasy Sports*
April 27, 2021
April 27, 2021
The Fantasy Sports industry is consistently gaining momentum as the years go by and bets are being taken right from the comfort of your home. This high stakes industry will require a payment processor that specialized in this field to understand the rules and procedures, and can handle the high risks directly associated to them. Average transactions sizes tend to be on the larger side, making approval from the bank a nearly impossible task. When there are larger transactions, the profits may be high but larger chargebacks come hand in hand with the territory.
The high risk of chargebacks primarily comes from those unwilling to accept their losses when it comes to betting. When chargebacks consist of more than 2% of overall transactions, fines and shutdowns from the banks will immediately follow. This is why approval chances with the banks are minimal to none. Fantasy Sports have always been a high risk industry, and the liability is not something they are willing to associate with.
Setting your business up for success will require the proper payment processor to ensure these high volumes of chargebacks are handled properly. There are those on the losing end who accept defeat and move onto their next bet, but this industry will always have those who fight their loss in attempt to secure their lost finances. High Risk Payment Pros give you the ease of mind that your bases will be covered when these situations are faced.